Monday, April 26, 2010

Kwanzan Cherry

Although the single-flower cherries have been long done, the double-flower cherries are still going.

Petals are dropping...

but the canopies are still full of pink.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

To Weep or Not to Weep: Tales of Grafts Gone Bad, Part 2

In early fall, I saw a cherry tree with a split personality.

Not only does it have two different habits, it has different flowering times and different flower colors. The weeping part bloomed first with pink flowers, and the rootstock sports bloomed afterward with white flowers.


I saw what looked like baby bird feathers scattered around a silver maple. I hope this is a normal feather development process, but there are many birds of prey around the cemetery...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


-Okame cherry-

-yoshino cherry-

-yoshino leaves in fall-

-a weeping cherry in winter...

and in spring-

Sweet Gum balls

Near a sweet gum tree, the entire surface of the ground is covered with decaying sweet gum balls that settled in a perfect blanket in the dirt. I'm not sure when this blanket was formed: maybe last fall, maybe the year before.

The freshly fallen sweet gum balls are still on the surface of the ground - not embedded like the old ones - and are more reddish-brown.